Eric Caron's List Recorder Gestures and Settings

Audio Controls

Back 5 seconds
Forward 5 seconds
Advance 10 percent

Table of Clips

0. Start
1. Creating a new list titled groceries.
2. Moving an item into the grocery list.
- Setting grocery list to manual sort.
3. Quick record items for grocery list.
- Rearrange items within the grocery list.
- Delete items from grocery list.
4. Changing the name of a list.
- Tilt right to add an item.
5. Using an items title and text fields.
- Tilt left to go back a list.
- Back flip to delete an item.
- Forward tilt to operate the toolbar.
6. Settings - recording formats and quality.
- Settings - beep type.
7. Settings - beep timing.
- Settings - audio preview length.
- Settings - audio file naming.
8. Settings - motion controls.
- Settings - export file naming.
- Settings - Do date days of warning.
- Settings - White on black.
- Settings - Mail to.
9. Beep timing demonstration.

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